Digital exhibition space
Down to earth, deceptively simple and yet always meticulous

Together with schneider+schumacher we devised the concept of an inverted panorama for the exhibition. A cubic structure erected in the darkened central hall of the museum is covered in architectural imagery.
A cubic structure erected in the darkened central hall of the museum is covered in architectural imagery shot by photographer Kirsten Bucher for the upcoming schneider+schumacher book.

The concept of the installation is very influenced by schneider+schumacher’s architectural language, which is humane, utilitarian, down to earth, at times deceptively simple yet always meticulous in detailing, and comes with a healthy disregard for glitzy gadgets or pointless decoration. Consequently, we spared the usual interactivity to create a show for the DAM that is to be walked about and observed.

The red entrance wall is a shadow-play with the schneider+schumacher logo projected by one red and one red inverted projector. Normally, the logo is barely visible; only the shadows of the visitors form the typography as they pass the cones of one, but not the other projector.
Behind the scenes
Exhibitions on architecture are typically a little low on budget, so creating a high-quality panorama more than 26 m long was still quite a technical challenge money-wise. We like challenges and came up with a system of 21 office-grade video projectors fed by four computers and made sure that the architects’ team was able to do much of the work on the vvvv-based animations (courtesy of media-jack-of-all-trades Ragunath Vasudevan) themselves.
Till Schneider / Pecha Kucha Frankfurt 020

Curious about our approach? Feel free to get in touch!
Max Wolf Partner +49 69 24 000 322 +49 69 24 000 322
MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Gutleutstr. 96 . 60329 Frankfurt . Germany
Nils Weger, Philipp Steinweber, Philipp Lorenz, Ben Schiek, Alexander Graf