What opportunities do digital tools hold for doctors? And how can they be integrated into existing structures and proven workflows of practices? The dipraxis in the KVWL headquarter in Dortmund was the first showroom to give doctors and medical staff access to this complex field and lets them discover and try out solutions.
Illustrating potentials
Explore, choose, apply, benefit
The Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe (KVWL) represents over 15,000 local doctors and psychotherapists. One of the organization’s goals is informing their members about new developments in digitalization and supporting them in selection and transition processes. Digital communication and management tools hold enormous potential for the – still surprisingly analog – health sector. At the same time, the market is vast, products and solutions are often complex and their integration requires changes in many established processes.

In order to make digital tools tangible, to illustrate their potential and to reduce skepticism, KVWL decided to found the first showroom on this topic. We were selected as a creative and technical partner for the development of the exhibition and accompanied the client from the first concept workshops to the opening of the dipraxis. The 85 m² former office space, which is accessible from the foyer of the headquarters, was converted by SSP for the new use.
In a number of workshops with different stakeholders, we formulated usage scenarios and helped outline technical requirements. When defining the target group of dipraxis, it soon became clear that we would have to do justice to visitors with various interests, knowledge levels and backgrounds, from long-established doctors in rural areas to operators of medical specialist centers to practicing psychotherapists and – last but not least – teams of medical staff and assistants. Also, the range of topics and solutions to cover turned out to be vast and ever-evolving. All in all no job for a traditional showroom or educational exhibition.
Therefore, we based our creative work on an approach that has already been successfully pursued in previous projects: With our MUSE/OS solution featuring personal tablet computers, we were able to overlay the physical space with a theoretically unlimited digital explanation level. The system allows individual explorations as well as guided tours and concrete product demonstrations.
Familiar meets futuristic
a Space for information transfer

To turn the former office spaces into a modern, open showroom, we joined forces with our long-term partner Marc Ulm from buero.us
Together, we created a flexible exhibition architecture that divides dipraxis into clear thematic areas and seamlessly integrates media infrastructure into the interior design.

Based on the results of our workshops with doctors and medical staff, we developed a furnishing concept that quotes familiar elements from medical practices and combines them with fresh and unexpected design solutions. When it comes to materials, we have adhered to the hygiene standards of the clinics and used PVC floors, washable fabrics and smooth surfaces. Individual furniture, the latest media technology, cozy seating alcoves and digitally controllable light create a modern and inviting atmosphere.
A grid of individual panels cover the walls, lend structure to the surface and frame media hardware and projections. Analog content is stacked in front on semi transparent panels while infographics and headlines are placed directly on the grid. The result is a subtle information hierarchy leading visitors through the contents on display.

A system of characteristic monitors in portrait format serve as a guidance and orientation system. Topics and locations within the exhibition can therefore be updated or changed at any time.
Adding the digital level
content on demand
In the dipraxis, a wide range of topics are brought together for the first time:
- General background information on digitalization relevant for doctors and medical staff
- KVWL’s current digitalization member services and projects
- State-of-the-art software solutions by third-party-suppliers as ready-to-run demos
- An exhibition with the latest digital healthcare solutions, such as wearables, apps or devices
This variety called for different presentation and communication methods, both analog and digital.

The communication concept is based on the MUSE/OS solution. Every visitor receives a personal tablet in the foyer before entering the exhibition. An optional questionnaire enables a personalized addressing and also gives valuable user insights.

unlocking dipraxis
Based on the questionnaire, visitors are personally greeted in a welcome projection as soon as they open the entrance door with the tablet. This simple first moment of success makes the interaction principle used throughout the exhibition clear from the start and establishes the tablet as the key to information.
For tours, the guide may set a fitting message to greet the respective group.

Throughout the exhibition, labelled “pucks” in bright green indicate the availability of digital content. As soon as the visitor places the tablet on the puck, corresponding media is displayed via fast and reliable NFC-technology.
A consistent library of article formats allow for varied media integration and functionalities: from simple explanatory texts to extensive questionnaires on the tablet, to audio- and videoplayers and interactive graphics on monitors and projectors. A range of special design concepts and communication elements highlight key topics and allow for interactive learning.

Individual visit or guided tour?
Both approaches are possible (also at the same time) with our solution. While some visitors might explore the exhibition independently, individuals or groups can also book a tour through the dipraxis.
In this case, every visitor receives a personal tablet as usual, but a special mode is activated by KVWL staff. This mode allows the guide to take control of the interactive stations and media while blocking all other tablets.
The interior design provides different room situation for meetings, conversations and consulting.

esteemed colleagues
KVWL collected individual testimonials from key experts on the subject of digitilization in the healthcare sector. The aim is to generate trust and underline the relevance of the showroom for the medical target group. A wall screen plays a short trailer when triggered, while the interviews can be selected and played in full on the tablet.

Diving into the subject is made easy by a detailed questionnaire asking “How digitalized am I and my work processes?”. The questions come in different formats and interaction possibilities. Answers are automatically compared to data gathered in a representative survey via infographics. Visitors can generate a summary of their results at the push of a button which is then exported as a PDF file and can be sent to a personal email address upon request.
hands-on examination
Three workplaces let visitors explore curated software solutions by different providers first hand – from appointment management to remote patient visits to digital anamnesis.

The personal tablet is placed into a custom console, activating the station and serving as a navigation and information device. A fully running demo version of the software is switched to the large desktop monitor, creating a 1:1 realistic work situation. With this setup stacked as layers of information and interaction possibilities, visitors dive into possible scenarios, guided and supported by unbiased information provided by KVWL experts on the tablet.

at a glance
The eye-catching Key Visual projection gives an interactive overview. With the tablet, a visitors can select and modify the key visual to highlight different topics, connections and flows of data. Guides use this visualization to illustrate their explanations to the audience.

special focus
As technology constantly evolves, one area of the showroom is dedicated to a temporary exhition with changing topics. An adjustable system of shelving and charging stations together with the dynamic digital signage system creates maximum flexibility.

Collect and send
As the topics in the showroom are complex and wide-ranging, they are complemented by articles, how-tos and media for further reading. While they can be skimmed through on the tablet during the visit, they can also be bookmarked and added to a personal reading list. A check-out station at the exits triggers a special screen on the tablet where visitors can enter their email address to receive the information packet.
In addition to the regular individual visitor flow, we integrated tools and modes for special tours, events and presentations.
The main space of the showroom can be rearranged into a small auditorium by moving the mobile desk making room for seating. A projection screen is suspendable from the ceiling for presentation media.

what next?
Our future-proof concept is open for regular updates to always showcase latest developments and state-of-the-art solutions. Together with KVWL, we are looking into new special elements, such as the integration of podcasts.
Behind the scenes
bringing information to life

All content is entered and managed by the client via a custom CMS based on the open source solution statamic. With predefined styles, layouts and formatting options, we made sure the app can be expanded and updated independently in the future, without loosing its clear design.
The showroom and its complex infrastructure can be activated or put into an erergy saving power down mode by KVWL staff via the tablet app. A special operator mode opens the relevant settings. Via custom scripts and switchable power outlets, the process is practically reduced to one button.
By combining standard hardware with custom elements, we ensured both uniqeness and cost-efficiency. The personal tablets were fitted with a 3D-printed casing and handle. As the devices come with an integrated NFC reader, we could use this technology without further adjustments. The tags were specially produced and integrated into custom 3D printed pucks and consoles.
During the implementation phase, we coordinated all steps and worked closely with our client’s in-house staff as well as external service providers. Delicate or complex technology features were installed by our own team on site. In this way, we could guarantee a flawless result and hand over a turnkey solution ready for use.
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Curious about our approach? Feel free to get in touch!
Christian Leonhard Senior Project Manager +49 69 24 000 376 christian.leonhard@meso.design christian.leonhard@meso.design +49 69 24 000 376
MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Gutleutstr. 96 . 60329 Frankfurt . Germany
Bettina Braun, Alessia Corsini, Susanne Heinlein, Sebastian Kujas, Daniel Maaz, Marcus Michaely, Sebastian Oschatz, Damian Richter, Ian Rodriguez, Timon Skerutsch, Marcus Schreiter, Marc Ulm, Constantin Urban