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MUSE/OS solution honored with education technology award

The delina award acknowledges innovative projects in digital education as part of the annual trade fair LEARNTEC. The MESO solution MUSE/OS won the 2021 edition in the category “Society and Life-long Learning“.

MUSE/OS is a powerful soft- and hardware solution developed and constantly refined by our team. Personal tablets communicate with physical spaces and objects via NFC technology, triggering a digital level of multimedia content – from text to pictures to games to video and audio. With this versatile approach, exhibitions, showrooms or educational parcours can be turned into interactive experiences with cost-efficient and customizable means.

Lernlabor at Bildungsstätte Anne Frank e.V. © MESO / Constantin Urban
Lernlabor at Bildungsstätte Anne Frank e.V. © MESO / Constantin Urban

Innovation and fresh impetus are essential for the future of digital leaning. delina is designed to pick up new trends in digital learning, foster innovation, create awareness and acknowledge achievements.