We were commissioned by Circ Corporate Experience to develop software and content for a full 360° model of planet Earth with six projectors for the annual BASF stockholder meetings. An inflatable sphere 3.80 m in diameter is used as a projection surface with four projectors mapping the equator and two projectors mapping the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
Inflatable sphere
Days and Seasons in real-time
The software runs in real-time allowing the globe to be moved in all directions and generate astounding effects. Features include live adjustment of the seasons, time of day, animated projection of cloud cover, and highlighting of specific positions on the globe.
Behind the scenes
Textures come from satellite images from NASA Visible Earth. Images by Reto Stockli and the NASA Earth Observatory. “Earth’s City Lights Data” courtesy of Marc Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC. “Earth’s City Lights Image” by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon of NASA GSFC.

Preparing for the final show: Tweaking the calibration of the multi-projection mapping.
Astronomic fun facts:
- The globe weighs 27 kg and is 3.80 m in diameter with a scale of 1:33,333,333 (1 cm = 33 km).
- The Moon would orbit the globe only 114 m away and have a diameter of 1 m.
- The Sun would be 44.5 km away from the globe with a diameter of 1.3 km.
- Venus would be 12 km and Mars 23 km away.

Curious about our approach? Feel free to get in touch!
Sebastian Oschatz Partner +49 69 24 000 321 sebastian.oschatz@meso.design sebastian.oschatz@meso.design +49 69 24 000 321
MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Gutleutstr. 96 . 60329 Frankfurt . Germany
Thomas Hitthaler, Florian Egermann