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Try out, touch, marvel

You can talk a lot – but what is shown in real life, what can be experienced and touched, leaves a lasting impression.

That’s why we develop and produce impressive media stations, exhibits and demonstrators. We know complex content. We know short attention spans. We know the power of authentic originals. Vivid. Playfully understandable. We know what works. And how topics can be cleverly combined.


You would like to convey content effectively in physical space but are still unsure which form is the right one? Or do you have an idea for an exhibit but need professional support with the planning and implementation? Then we are the right people to talk to!

© MESO / Jonas Schreiber

We have been implementing complex projects in this field for over 20 years. And with our expertise in hardware and software as well as design and furniture construction, we can achieve impressive solutions even with limited budgets.

Whether at trade fairs, in showrooms, learning spaces or museums – our developments are both playful eye-catchers and serious sources of knowledge. Together with our customers, we find the right balance and analyze the target group, message, brand and use cases.

© HMF Stefanie Kösling

Our interdisciplinary team, our partners and our in-house workshop enable us to cover every stage of the concept and implementation process. Our customers not only receive ready-to-use exhibits, we also supervise the installation on site and coordinate all trades involved. With training and regular maintenance, we can guarantee long-term and independent use.


Neugierig geworden?

We look forward to getting to know your project and discussing how we can support you – no strings attached.